Monday, September 30, 2013

5-Month Certification Program: Healing with Whole Foods-Oriental Dietetics

5-Month Certification Program: Healing with Whole Foods-Oriental Dietetics

Five month-module training program ‘Healing with Whole Foods-Oriental Dietetics’
This program meets in New York City one weekend a month, September - January. 
This program includes online an well as classroom learning.

Module 1: Saturday, Sunday September 7 & 8 INTRODUCTION TO THE ELEMENTS OF CLASSICAL CHINESE MEDICINE Chinese herbal medicine is governed by the universal principles of balance and harmony expressed in The Tao. This weekend includes an overview of the history of Chinese Medicine and begins to familiarize students with the basic terms and concepts: Five Element Theory, “Qi “ (pronounced chee) and the immune system, six divisions of Yin and Yang, 4 causes of disease, TCM terminology, energetic imbalances, and meridians. Also, discussion of Classical Chinese

Module 2: Saturday, Sunday October 5 & 6
DIAGNOSIS IN ORIENTAL MEDICINE Herbology is the core of treatment in Chinese medicine and energetically, practitioners look beyond the symptoms of the disease to alleviate the underlying imbalance that caused the disease. Imbalances are determined by a non-invasive diagnostic system that includes tongue reading, pulse reading, facial observations, and health history evaluation. Students will gain a working familiarity with meridians and diagnostic points during a full day hands-on workshop on Sunday.

Module 3: Saturday, Sunday November 7 & 8
THE FIVE ELEMENT DIET: FOOD AS MEDICINE Balance in diet is unique for each person and there is no one diet for everyone. Learn how to use whole foods “as medicine” to balance and regenerate internal organs and strengthen the immune system to help prevent disease. The Taoist way and the healing properties of whole foods, essentials of nutrition, food energetics, dietary guidelines, elimination diets, five phase cooking and specific foods for organ imbalances. How to create personalized food prescription from the general diet to congee, medicinal soups, salads and food cures.

Module 4: Saturday, Sunday December 7 & 8 Cooking Class Saturday: Learn to cook congee’s, ferment food, cook miso soup, steam root vegetables, etc. 
Compartive Diet Study: Sunday: In this class we will disccuss all of the current diets that are available on the market today.
Module 5: January (TBA)
ROUNDS: CASE STUDIES AND STUDENT CLINICTheory will be applied in hands-on application of Chinese diagnostics. Practice, under supervision, differential diagnosis to assess health conditions, case taking and making practical herbal recommendations. Small group discussion of case studies. Resources and opportunities for continued studies.

Upon completion of this training program, you will receive a diploma from the Institute of Herbal Medicine & Nutrition.

Required Text 
Healing With Whole Foods/ Paul Pitchford
Online Learning Courses: 
1. Safety in the Organic Food and Herb Market. 
2. Safe and Healthy Detoxification 
3. Digestive Health 
4. Gluten, Dairy, and Sugar Free Living
Location: 1133 Broadway, Room 1023 between 25-26 St. 
Price of program: $600 plus a $15 fee per weekend.

If you pay in full you will receive a 10% discount of $. Total payment $750. 
Other wise a payment of $175 per module will be due. 
The first payment - the deposit to hold your seat is $250.  

Contact Professor Drew

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